These are the things we need:




Note: When preparing and submitting a case please be aware that the analysis of the jury is based on the supplied materials. Be careful and very thorough when filling in the form.  Lack, misleading or insufficient information might lead to disqualifying the campaign or to an incomplete analysis from the part of the jury!  For more information please read carefully the Rules. 


1.  Logo advertiser (300 dpi)


2.  Logo Creative agency (300dpi)


3.  Contact details advertiser (First name/Name/Function)


4.  Contact details creative agency


5.  Case


-  Name of the case/campaign

-  Case Image (300 dpi) (as you want it to be presented publically)

-  Duration case ( start date – end date)

-  Case film/slideshow (link Youtube/Slideshare)

-  Images (captures/prescreen) of different media (Ex. website, banners, apps, pages, etc...)


-  Description of the strategy (English - Max 400 characters) – Highlight the use of research, creativity, choice of media vehicles and integration with other non-interactive media as well as a solid understanding of the business and of the business/marketing challenge & objective. State clearly the objective of the campaign.


- Execution (English - Max 400 characters) – In this section make sure to highlight how was the campaign carried out; how creative or sophisticated was intended to be in its use of media; what percent of the campaign budget went to interactive media; what and how technology was used?  Also highlight the actions used for getting engagement, unique use of the medium, art & creativity.


-  Results (English- Max 400 characters) – Make sure you state if and how did the campaign achieve its objectives and goals and, if possible, enhance with solid empirical evidence to back it up. Emphasize if  the performance of the campaign had a significant impact on the business and how did the creative contribute.